Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Well today Mark and I took a trip to the bank and tonight we got one of these! You should go! No really, the Lord is so good and caused a lot of things to fall into place!
We now have a DEPENDABLE vehicle!!!
A 2006
Navy Blue Suburban!
Thank you Lord!!!

P.S. This is not the exact suburban, duh we live in Iowa and its January so ours didn't come with sunshine and mountains like in this picture.


Jessie said...

WOW how many babies are you having on the 21st? ;)
That is great, we are looking for something like that too.

Kari said...

Bye bye Blazer! We ditched our's ASAP as well! Hey, how come my blog isn't updating on your site anymore? What the heck? Is it because I haven't talked to you on facebook in awhile?!?! ;-)

the keith fam said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to hear about the arrival of your newest little one!

Grant and Jodie said...

sweet!!! looks like your ready for many kids now!

manda said...

FUN!!! Be careful backing up...Suburbans are BEASTS!!!!