Sunday, January 4, 2009

9 Months Pregnant!!

Here are some pictures that Mark took on Friday, 9 months pregnant with 20 days until my scheduled c-section. I am feeling rather anxious, ready to see my sweet baby boy's face and ready to have my space back. You know ready to not have some of his body parts invading my ribs or diaphragm or kidney. Haha, I forgot the bliss of the last month! I am incredibly thankful to have this second blessing on the way so don't get me wrong as I vent about my discomfort!

I would however like to ask for some prayer. I have a scheduled c-section, Dr. recommended after all the craziness we had with Lillie and also due to the short time I have had to heal between babies. Yet, my heart still wishes that somehow some way this baby boy would just come on his own, before my c-section. I am sure if you have had c-sections you know the pull that your heart-strings have to have a baby "normally". No matter what I do want what is safest for the both of us, I just still find myself hoping that I will dilate fast and labor would go so quickly. Every mom who has had repeat c-sections that I have spoke with has not regretted it one bit, they are glad in the end they made that decision and those who have had v-bacs, have mixed reviews. So I guess in all of this...just pray for my heart to be at peace with how God decides he is going to bring this sweet baby into my arms.



the keith fam said...

aw, I know those heart strings that are being tugged on so well. I am praying for you, that you will have complete peace and a safe delivery.

Grant and Jodie said...

i am right there with you, totally understand. i don't know what all happened with lilie, sounds like you had a c-section. even though Cambria is not even 2 weeks old i still find myself thinking about the next pregnancy c-section? v-back? praise the Lord we can surrender it to Him and He will take care of us. i am praying for you and thinking about you a lot. can't wait to see pictures of the precious little one.

The Hobens said...

Em, you look amazing! It was so fun to hang out with you today. Love you!

Jessie said...

You look wonderful-I will be praying about your delivery. I echo Jodie's words, it is great to know you can surrender all your fears and anxiety to God because he cares so deeply for us. What a blessing.

Robin said...

Hey Em, you look adorable! And what a blessing of a new car:o) Will be praying for God's peace to surround your heart and desires. Was Lilie a c-section?

katylinvw said...

EMILY!!! you are adorable! love all the pics of your fam! i was so excited to find your blog through facebook!