Wednesday, January 14, 2009

one week.

One week from today, baby will be here! I can't believe it, I know the time will fly by. We'll keep you posted. Definitely keep us in your prayers, safe and healthy delivery for baby and safe surgery for mommy. Thanks all.


Alissa said...

We are praying for you and baby!

The Hobens said...

Praying for you Em and for baby Titus that will get here safe!Love you.

Grant and Jodie said...

thinking of you and praying for you. i think its great that your kids will be so close together...they will be the bestest of friends.

The Sayres said...

Can't wait to see pictures of the new little one. I am praying for you, that everything goes smoothly and safely!

Kari said...

Can't wait to hear all about it Em! The c-section will go fine!