What a time we have been having....Mark was sick last week, I was sick this weekend and just yesterday we had to take Titus to the dr for a fever. Turns out Titus has the flu, which I guess is what Mark and I both had. We have to take him in to the dr. today just so they can see how he is doing. Praise the Lord he doesn't have to be admitted into the hospital as they warned me may have to happen. He is eating, sleeping and going potty but he just is sad...you can tell he doesn't feel good. Thankfully Lillie is not showing any signs of being sick and we are praying like crazy she doesn't get sick one bit. We have also started watching our friends little girl, who is 4 months during the day. So needless to say it has been an interesting time. Keep us in your prayers and that we all will get over this junk completely and that Hattie and Lillie will not get any of it. Here are some recent pics of our little guy.

He is so adorable, Em!
I hope he feels better soon! Being sick as an adult is no fun, so I can't imagine what he must feel like. :(
Poor little guy....he is so freaking cute. Hope you guys feel better. We had fun with the Eakins up at Camp Elim this past weekend, and heard some funny stories. =) Hoping to be able to catch up with you guys sometime soon.
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