Super Dad himself holding both of the kiddies...
Mark has been A M A Z I N G through all of this.
I love you Bear!
Mark has been A M A Z I N G through all of this.
I love you Bear!

On a good note though Titus went back to the Dr. today and his fever is GONE and the doctor says he is handling it all very well! I believe he is looking more like his handsome self!

I hope Lillie feels better soon. Glad to hear Titus if feeling more like's so hard when they're sick.
poor little guys. it's scary when there so little and sick. titus must be a tough little guy.
Emilyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy- good gravy, I just checked and saw goldy doing just fine and now this! Praying I will be doing! I was exhausted just reading about it! Love you friend and you are one awesome mommy!!!!!!!!!!! Titus is about as cute as they come!
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