Friday, January 23, 2009

Oh Sweet Boy...

Here are some more pictures of our sweet little guy. He has been eating so well and sleeping great at night! We are hoping this will continue once we get home and its not just a fake out! Mommy has a head cold so that really has been the hardest part of her recovery! Sneezing is no fun! Mommy and Titus got a good nap today though so that was nice. Lillie has been hanging out with Grammie and some friends during the day. We are so thankful to all of you who have helped us out! We will be going home tomorrow and we are very excited to be able to be all together. We miss our Lillie girl!

He is such a snuggler!!

Great Grandpa Garrett brought Lillie a little horse and she was very happy about that!

Great Grandpa Garrett

Daddy and his kids

4 Generations


Jessie said...

So sweet! Makes me want another :)
Our oldest Ben, was going to be Titus until the day before he was born -and Joe really pleaded for Benjamin it works well for him :)

Linda Kern said...

Wonderful pictures of precious little Titus! So glad Lillie loves her brother! Enjoy your time with your Mom too! I'm sure it is such a treat for her to be there with you.
Kati and I got to meet McLean! You three girls have such lovely children! God is so good!