Saturday, January 24, 2009

All Home Together

We are so happy to be all together in our own home, not to mention comfy beds. Lillie was excited to see us all come home and loves her new little brother. She is constantly stopping to wave at him or "gently" rub his head.

Lillie and Grammie waiting for Titus to come home

Sooooo excited to see her brother!!!!

Gently rubbing his head

One big happy family

Ready for a good night of sleep


Joel said...

Congratulations! He's adorable. So strange to see you with 2 kids. Sure do miss you guys.

manda said...

He is so precious and Lillie is too sweet!!!

The Sayres said...

He is so sweet - how fun!! You guys look great.

haverlee said...

he's so adorable! they look completely different so far...I wonder if they'll look more alike later!

Ben and Kristi Graves said...

that's one cute family you got there, emmy sue :)

The Essons said...

Congratulations Emily -he is one gorgeous little guy!

katylinvw said...

he is adorable! you have such a beautiful family! :)