Saturday, December 6, 2008

Busy Girl!

So Mark and I were thinking about it and we were laughing that pretty much any picture we post of Lillie is her you are familiar with her high chair and her bib ... we know that! This is why, she is VERY busy and very active and it is so hard to get a picture of her unless she is confined to that high chair!

I hope that the few pictures below will bring some smiles to your face, like we said, she's busy...they may be blurry.

She is walking now...all by herself!

And climbing stairs....oh my....all the way to the top.

And playing in laundry baskets...

This is how she used to play in laundry baskets...

Her newest fetish, colanders and bowls...on her head.

She will play the whole bath time in this thing!

Oh but boy does she melt my heart.


haverlee said...

So fun. I was really hoping for your sake that Lillie would be an early walker. It'll be way easier that way once the new baby is here, so congrats on that huge milestone!
I love the hats. Funny- Bennett loves hats too. very cute!

manda said...