Thursday, March 11, 2010

Almost Amish

Well I was on the brink of becoming Amish...not because of some religious reason but because everything was breaking!!! We just got our computer back today after some repairs, Praises the Lord it was only a $45 fix and not a some hundred odd dollar expense on a new computer. I am so glad to be back in touch (we don't have cable either ps). Our DVD player broke, my vacuum broke, our car is going to the shop for some repairs. WHEW I tell ya! It never ends! I am realizing the blessing I have in the small things and that someday I will get rid of these hand me down couches and buy REAL NEW ONES! Fresh off the press (or floor model if its cheaper :) just for our home! I will wait patiently because tomorrow at 9:30 Billiam the Blazer will be SOLD!!!!!!! Another answer to prayer! I have my eye out for those perfect couches so that when you visit you can be cozy and comfortable with coffee in hand, or tea Mom Smith :). I think that is one of the biggest reasons I dream of new seating...obviously so it looks nice....but also so that my guests can feel happy when they sit their bottoms down.

On another note, for those of you who were questioning the "emotional high" I may have been on....I'm Still PRAISING JESUS! And my hubby is up now for his weekend. He leaves tomorrow and I am so excited to see what awesome healing and encouragement God is going to give these MEN! What is hotter than a athletic man of God like mine? I'm not sure. I am doing Beth Moore's Esther study and it has been SO SO GOOD. I hope you are sitting down, I am NOT behind! Can you believe it! I have NEVER finished a Beth Moore study due to the intensity and the craziness of my young mom lifestyle...or lack of discipline ? SSShhh... Anyway. I am loving this study and it has been so good, life changing. Shoot God is Good!!

I will leave you with this....Mark and I had some good ol' time with our Rugby Family at our 80's bowling night...betcha are jealous....and I'm sure this wouldn't fly in the Amish community.

2 legit 2 quit baby....

Who wouldn't want awesome hair like this?!? I think it was that awesome piece sticking up that got me that free drink bowling left handed!

The Raspberry Beret Lady and I. You Go Kat!


me said...

So I loved your post...but 2 legit to quit, was icing on the cake!

Ashlee said...

you look great!!