Monday, January 18, 2010

Rugby Awards Banquet

Well this girl always loves a reason to get all dressed up. This time it happened to be for Mark's Rugby awards banquet! We had such a great time celebrating the good year with the Rugby family. We are heading to Chicago on May 1&2 for THE MIDWEST FINAL FOUR! So everyone is super stoked! After that we hope to head to National Sweet 16 in South Carolina at the end of May!!! Then off to Colorado Springs for THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP!
Pray us in people!!

Here are some shots from the night :)

The cake, made by Derby's mom!!

The captain and his wife, wearing a headband I just couldn't resist!

Kathleen, Mary and I

The guys and their awards, my favorite is Hiram popping a squat.

The guys

And their dolls...please do not notice how ridiculously short I look!!!!!!

We had a great time out with our friends!
Thanks to the Lances for taking our kids in exchange for us taking their kids when they went hunting. Wonderful!

You are loved by us Smiths!


manda said...

Emily! You are totally hot!!! You look amazing!!!

Emily said...

ohhh man manda, thank you!

Grant and Jodie said...

i was going to say what manda did but she said it first! seriously one HOT chica!