As I have told many of you-each day is different for Grandma! She had a good evening yesterday, ate solids and had conversations with my mom!!!! Last night though before going to sleep she had some says this may come with a stroke. We are waiting to see if this did occur as it doesn't often show up for a few days after. She may be moved out of ICU today! So we are praising God!! Thank YOU! For praying and caring!!!! You are awesome!!!
If you know my grandma, have been blessed by her blankets or funny sense of humor please or just want to wish her well - send her a Cheer Card at the hospital! Go HERE and it will tell you what to do!
Lillie Robinson
Rm# Heart Bed #6
Hospital Norton Audubon
I know she will be encouraged by all the notes!
Thank you!!!!
what hospital is she in?
norton audobon
So glad she's doing a little better, Em. I can't imagine how hard this is on your family. I haven't lost a close family member yet either so I can't say I know what you're going through, but I'll be praying.
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