Sunday, October 4, 2009

Marriage Ministry

Our small group has helped to start a new marriage ministry at our church - HOPE in Dubuque. We have been so blessed to be a part of this new ministry. Our first even was a one night conference where Mark and I did a skit...pretty true to our lives and pretty funny. I don't really love being in skits but it got some good laughs and that makes it worth it! Last night we had the first date night. We planned a scavenger hunt for the couples from church. They had 4 stops and as it turns out they wished it was longer! That is good news! Keep coming back for more! Our next event is Friday, January 29th which will be another one night conference! Check out Hopes website our the Married Life Blog to learn more.

In the skit, Mark suprises me by taking me "out" for dinner, more like OUTSIDE FOR DINNER!

I tell him....its really neat honey but this really isn't what I had in mind...but don't worry I was only sassy for a short bit and then we came to communicate the real issue...Mark wants to be at home as much as I want him home and we had to learn to understand each others desires to get out or be home. I think you get the point...anway...

This is our awesome small group that we have grown so very found of. Us, the Lances, the Ormords and the Allisons. These people love Jesus and want to MAKE HIM KNOWN!!!! They have a great heart for hurting people and are amazing servants. Thanks for loving us!!
*disclaimer, none of us voted for Obama.

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