These are just 2 of the many types of cloth diapers and accessories out there and all of the information is OVERWHELMING! Mark and I are really thinking we should go this way. We could save about $100 a month if we go cloth! HELLO! So, do you use them? How many do I need to start for a 4 month old? For an 18 month old? HELP!
I have younger brothers and sisters and this is what my parents used. We also plan on using cloth if we have children.
Okay, I have but just a minute but here's the gist. The two brands you mentioned can get pretty high end especially if you go with the cutie little prints on the covers.
There are other cheaper options like buying cloth diapers at Target and then getting a wrap online somewhere. I use a few of those brands. (the wraps) It all depends on how much work you want to put into it.
And really, once you find the "system" that you like best (I guess you don't know until you try)then it really is quite the cinch high end or not.
As for other info. I'll just send you an e-mail. Too long to post here!
Hi! I found your blog when I did a search on cloth diapers. You can certainly save quite a bit of money by cloth diapering and the savings are exponential if you factor in additional children. If you would like help choosing a cloth diapering system for your situation and budget, I would be happy to help you. I have been helping parents cloth diaper for over 4 years through my store - You can email me at info (at)
We are planning to go cloth with #3 too. I have been looking at green mountain diapers they are really helpful and have a lot of information.
Hi Emily, I started doing cloth diapers with my daughter Esther (who is now 2.5 years old) from the moment she was born. The two you mentioned run a little expensive because they are the "all-in-one" option, but is still cheaper than disposable. For me, it was helpful to order a catalogue from one of the many websites online so I could better read through the descriptions and have paper to look at and be able to circle and make comments alongside. I decided on the diaper cover (BUMMIS - b/c you can wash AND DRY them on regular heat along with the diapers) and I used those together with with prefold diapers (also known as Chinese Prefolds), VERY different from the single layer diapers you get at a store. I decided to use the "snappi" instead of diaper pins, and I absolutely loved it.
When Esther was about 1 I purchased a few fuzzi bunz on ebay because I wanted to try them as her night time diapers. They worked all right, but only if I stuffed a prefold into the pocket of the fuzzy bunz since the single insert was not enough.
The info on cloth diapers is overwhelming! I remember being stressed with so many options. I hope you find something that works for you.
Emily, HI!!! I was on Facebook and saw your blog link! We started cloth diapering with boy #3 and it's been much easier than I thought it would be! You just have to get into a routine.
We have Bum Genius 3.0. I only have 8 of them, so I do a load every night.
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