Saturday, May 9, 2009

Daddy Date

Lillie got to go with Daddy on a date to UD's bachelorette tonight, she was very excited to be in her dress! We think dates with daddy are very special.

Lillie has an obsession with these headbands, she always wants to wear them...even if she is wearing a pretty in her hair.

Also after taking these pictures I realize what a NON attention to detail person I am... I will work on that.


Candy said...

No- you are doing a great job! details schmetails, she's a kid, not a mannequin=) love the dress and we have the same pretties! Daddy dates are so important-how cool!

Kari said...

Ha! Love it. I wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't said something! She is so adorable- would love to meet her someday!

haverlee said...

I still don't know what you're referring to!!!