Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Titus William Smith

He is Here!!!!!!

Titus was born at 12:45 today weighing in at 6 pounds 13 ounces
He was 19 inches long.
The c-section went well and both Titus and Emily are doing great.


The Glocks said...

he's so great!! can't wait to get our boys together! love you!

Kelley said...

He is so sweet Emily! I must agree he does look a lot like Lillie. You look amazing for just having a baby. As usual. So was it great not having any labor pains? :) I am so glad that it all went well, I can't wait to hear all about it. Tell Mark congrats too.
Love ya Em, Kelley

Carol said...

Oh, just so precious. Congratulations.

Alissa said...

Congratulations! He is just wonderful! It must be great having two children.

The Hobens said...

Congratulations Mark, Em and Lillie!! He is adorable! He does look like a Garrot, you must have the dominant gene, Em-- he is a cutie! We are so happy for you guys and we love you! Can't wait to meet Titus!!

Anonymous said...

Awww! Congratulations! He is beautiful! As is his mommy!

Mary Ellen said...

Wow! He is perfect... Can't wait to meet him! I love your blog by the way! It is so nicely laid out...teach me oh wise one, as I struggle to set up mine!

manda said...

Congratulations!!!! What a sweetie and Em, you look great!!!!

Grant and Jodie said...

praise the Lord for a precious healthy baby! you guys both look great.

LK said...

Congratulations Lovely! I cannot wait to meet your beautiful little man!

Jessie said...

Congratulations!! He looks so prescious-very excited for you guys!!

The Sayres said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Glad it all went well - you look great and so does Titus!!! said...

What a beautiful baby! Thanks be to our wonderful God. We pray for God's special blessings for all the Smittys, that He would grant you wisdom in teaching your beautiful children.

Robin said...

Congrats! He is so cute. Averie had the exact same stats for length and weight! Praying for you guys!

the keith fam said...

Congratulations! What a sweet little guy. Enjoy every moment of "boyhood"! It's loads of fun :)

Ben and Kristi Graves said...

yay! he sure is a cutie! :) glad you are all doing well....

katylinvw said...

he's beautiful!!! and you look great, Emily!!! praise the Lord! :)

Kari said...

You both look beautiful! Congratulations!

Bullock Family said...

Oh Em............ so proud of you! Will be praying for the weeks of transition to come! Remember, God prepares those He calls! You are going to do awesome! Call me if you need any melt down pep talks! I am here for you my friend, even if there are a few miles between us!