Sunday, December 14, 2008

Party Girl

Saturday we had Lillie's first birthday party! Being Miss Social she had a wonderful time!

Family photo before the guests arrive!

I made Lillie's first birthday cake, boy was I nervous! The hat is the one she had on when she was first born.

We all had a great time when Lillie had her cake!

Beautiful in her Fun To Be 1 hat.


manda said...

Goodness gracious! She has the sweetest disposition!!

Great job on the cake...I assume you washed her hat before you put it on her cake ;-) It was VERY VERY cute!!!

haverlee said...

So fun! Nice job on the cake! I love that idea.

Anonymous said...

What a cute cake! And an even cuter birthday girl!

Robin said...

The cake is BEAUTIFUL, Emily! As are the girls in the pictures :o)

Charity said...

That is such a cute cake! I am so impressed :-)
You look great, Emily.

Grant and Jodie said...

can't believe she is 1!! so are you going to go into business making cakes? you can make Cambria's if she ever comes. Praying I don't have to be induced. Trying all the "myths" to get her to come on her own..unsuccessful at this point.