Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Go Eat Dirt Loser!

With so many liberal people in this world telling us that there are no losers at sporting events or other "competitions" we often joke that just to keep our kids grounded we will make Tuesdays the official reality check. Mark often comments "We will make them eat dirt and call them losers!" So...today, Tuesday, I walked in to the entry way to see our sweet Lillie girl eating...what? Dirt? We knew she was a good kid, but look how well she obeyed! We didn't even have to tell her to do it! So please enjoy some comic relief at the expense of our little loser.

Disclaimer: If you are reading this and seriously are doubting our parenting right now, you don't know us very well....go eat dirt...loser!


the keith fam said...

aw, look at her sweet little face! She looks like she is trying to say "yucky" :)

haverlee said...

oh my word, bennett did this for the first time a few weeks ago. he had so much dirt all over his face it looked like he ate a plate full of oreos without his hands. i desperately wanted a picture but he wasn't in the mood to be photographed. i literally chased him around the house for five whole minutes but with no luck.

LK said...
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Grant and Jodie said...

dirt is healthy!

The Sayres said...

That picture of her is so adorable - I love it!!!!