Tuesday, September 30, 2008

More Please

We are trying to teach Lillie to say "more please" in sign language when she wants more food. She doesn't quite have the hand motions down but she has the idea, we have double checked and are convinced because this is what she does every time we ask her to say, "more please!".


Grant and Jodie said...

love it! she will catch on soon

The Glocks said...

i can't believe how big she is! where does the time go?! we need to get together!

haverlee said...

that's hilarious. she gets an "A" for effort :) and hey, she's just trying to express her creative side by changing it up a little!
i did the sign for more starting at about 9 or 10 mos. and he didn't really do it himself til right at 12 mos. and then he learned 3 or 4 others really quickly. he still does please and thank-you all the time but now he can say "more" clear as a bell. he likes to draw out the "r" sound. its so cute.

Jason, Angie and Brady said...

That is too cute! What a sweetie :)

Carol said...

Love what you've done to your blog! Wanna play this week?